More Fun with Choropleth Maps

By Julia Silge

January 25, 2016

I have a guest post up today at Ari Lamstein’s blog where I show some more fun things that can be done with the Religious Congregations and Membership Study at the ARDA that I used to look at Utah. I looked in some detail at Iowa ahead of their caucus in a few days, in light of all the news lately about Republican presidential candidates courting evangelical voters. Go take a look to read more!

Shiny App Screen Shot

Posted on:
January 25, 2016
1 minute read, 75 words
See Also:
Topic modeling for #TidyTuesday Spice Girls lyrics
Predicting viewership for #TidyTuesday Doctor Who episodes
Spatial resampling for #TidyTuesday and the #30DayMapChallenge