
Machine learning, text analysis, and more

Using tidycensus and leaflet to map Census data

Recently, I have been following the development and release of Kyle Walker’s tidycensus package. I have been filled with amazement, delight, and well, perhaps another feeling… There should be a word for “the regret felt when an R 📦, which would have saved untold hours of your life, is released”… #rstats 🤔 — Mara Averick (@dataandme) May 31, 2017 But seriously, I have worked with US Census data a lot in the past and this package

June 24, 2017

tidytext 0.1.3

I am pleased to announce that tidytext 0.1.3 is now on CRAN! In this release, my collaborator David Robinson and I have fixed a handful of bugs, added tidiers for LDA models from the mallet package, and updated functions for changes to quanteda’s API. You can check out the NEWS for more details on changes. One enhancement in this release is the addition of the Loughran and McDonald sentiment lexicon of words specific to financial reporting.

June 18, 2017