Tune xgboost models with early stopping to predict shelter animal status
Early stopping can keep an xgboost model from overfitting.
Machine learning, text analysis, and more
Early stopping can keep an xgboost model from overfitting.
Models like xgboost have many tuning hyperparameters, but racing methods can help identify parameter combinations that are not performing well.
Which Scooby Doo monsters are REAL?! Walk through how to tune and then choose a decision tree model, as well as how to visualize and evaluate the results.
Predict prices for Airbnb listings in NYC with a data set from a recent episode of SLICED, with a focus on two specific aspects of this model analysis: creating a custom metric to evaluate the model and combining both tabular and unstructured text data in one model.
Handling class imbalance in modeling affects classification metrics in different ways. Learn how to use tidymodels to subsample for class imbalance, and how to estimate model performance using resampling.